Recently I read this interview with Pete Carroll where he talked about how good coaches leave the profession when they lose their drive to, “fight the day in, day out whatever.” In reading the interview, this quote by Carroll stood out:
“You will find a way to make your message fresher. You’ll find a way to make your connections in a way that will continue to inspire and direct and motivate. That’s what I’m banking on.
This is not a how-to. This is a who you are.
You do what you have to do to compete, and that takes you to places where you are in a relentless state to find an edge and compete. That mentality keeps you on and on point. The how is following the drive, being resourceful and creative.
I would say this: It’s not how you get your message across. It’s how many creative ways you find to get your message across until it finds a way to hit home so you can try to connect with people. The how-to is all about day in, day out finding a way to feed the monster, the drive that lives inside.”
We all know that repetition and routine is key to building skills. However, the tendency is for this routine and repetition to become mundane and “boring” and for many, it will feel like you’re in a rut. Anticipating this is the best way to combat it. When you feel like you’re in a rut or that you’re message is losing its effect, have a plan for how you will a) get your “message” across to the kids and b) find ways to liven up practices without breaking the habits we want to build and c) “feed the monster, the drive that lives inside,” as Coach Carroll calls it.
When I originally wrote this post it was so long that I decided to break it up into three parts. I’d like to start with focusing on keeping your message fresh. We spend a lot of time sharing our core values with our players and our parents. It is very important to our program and key to how I want to establish our culture. However, I know that over time, we will start to have kids tuning us out. We want to renew that commitment to our core values and character education and find new ways to present these ideas to our players. It is still early in our season and so to this point, our coaches have rotated introducing topics such as our core values and other character related topics.
Here are a few quick ideas for presenting these ideas in the future:
- Assigning players a core value to talk about with the team. In the past when we’ve done this our kids have a tendency to lay a big egg so this year, we’re going to make a coach listen to the player’s message first and then help him with it.
- Bringing in guest speakers.
- Finding audio/visual resources to get our point across. This past week I wanted to get across the idea of “passion” to our players so I showed a video of Drew Brees, Tim Tebow and Ray Lewis motivating their teammates. I think you can use movie clips to get your point across.
What ways that are you sharing your message with your players each day? Tweet at me @nathanstanley or post a comment on the Facebook page. I’d love to steal your ideas!
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